Our incredible exclusive talent roster

example of recent Case Studies

Shakila Mirzaei
Holland and Barrett
Over 100 customers used Shakila's 3 for 2 code with 20% discount, driving £2.5K of sales.
Salaha Ashraf
Salams App
Organic reach of over 100k views, 1200 likes and 87 comments, 10,000 saves
Aleena Razzaq
Russell Hobbs
10% discount code usage 156 and £4500+ placing her top out of all 8 creators on campaign
Aaliya Pandor
Liz Earle
Brand Awareness with over 53K views, 1200 link clicks generating £1200 + sales

looking for talent with results?

We strategically drive measurable ROI for global brands, building authentic relationships and cultivating long-term partnerships. We have many more success stories - reach out to see our comprehensive roster and campaign highlights

Eligibility Criteria

We work with creators across all niches - if you're someone who is passionate, with strong purpose and voice and looking for longevity in this space - then get in touch and let's get exclusive!


Min engagement rate


Strong voice in the space

60% UK

Min UK audience percentage

Paid Deals

Previous paid deal experience

want to work with our incredible talent?  Request full roster

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